Earlier this month, Evergreen ID System’s Jacob Costelloe completed a product and service training course at the HID/Fargo eadquarters in Eden Prairie, MN. As a result, Evergreen ID Systems is proud to announce that we are now a factory certified repair facility for all current and former HID/Fargo card printers. Jacob had already completed a [...]
Putting together a clear, security focused visitor management strategy is important for every business that regularly expects visitors and/or keep extremely sensitive data on-site. Also the number of workplace violence incidents over the last couple years, has made it extremely important to know who all is in the workplace/on the premises at any given time. In a [...]
There are many different uses for ID cards today, but a simple name tag with a photo won’t cut it when it comes to ID security. This is why Evergreen ID Systems is committed to providing its customers with the latest, highest-quality, and most technologically advanced and secure ID solutions available on the market [...]
Finding the best ID card printer for you can be difficult. Anyone can find customer/user reviews online for a wide range of quality ID card printers, however, even if an ID card printer has a great review, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right one for you. Printers are generally selected for light, medium, or [...]
Plastic and PVC are perhaps the most popular materials used for making ID cards, credit cards, membership cards, and more recently business cards. Plastic is used for a wide range of different cards because it is durable and so cardholders don’t have to worry as much about accidentally damaging their cards. Plastic cards are [...]
With over four and a half years in technical support, customer service, and purchasing for a major national distributor of ID card products, Jacob Costelloe has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in the current market and is prepared to address any of your technical needs here at Evergreen ID Systems.He is a certified printer technician for most [...]
If you have ever been to a conference, odds are you either had to wear an ID badge or some sort of conference badge that let conference organizers know you were attending said conference. Until recently conference ID badges usually consisted of nothing more than an adhesive backed name tag or a basic black and white [...]
When choosing an ID card system one of the most important aspects is the ID card software you choose for your ID card printer. The ID card software that you choose should be able to produce the type of ID cards you want and so you should pick a program that is tailored to [...]
As we discussed in a previous blog post, there are certain things you must NOT do in order for your ID cards and ID card photos to be secure and effective. We used examples of mostly poorly faked ID’s to illustrate our point, but we ran into quite a few legitimate ID’s that made [...]
Researchers are estimating that a whopping 85% of the population will be using some form of smart card ID by the end of 2012. Smartcards are being used more and more as Government, Corporate, and Healthcare ID solutions. Most people are familiar with the most common forms of ID (ex. driver’s license), but when did people [...]