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ID Card Accessories - 7 "Extras" You Might've Forgotten


Buying an ID card system is a a big decision, however there are several components of having an effective identification 

system that are often overlooked. In this blog post we share the seven "extras" that help maintain and streamline any ID 

ard system.

1. Printer Cleaning Supplies

Owning an ID card system not only means that you can produce new ID card whenever you choose, but it also means that you have a system now that needs maintaining. And because your ID card printer is so vital to your entire ID card system, choosing the correct printer cleaning supplies is important.

2. Printer Ribbon and Laminate

As you continue to produce ID cards you will begin to run out of necessary supplies for continued production. Finding the right printer ribbon and laminate is easy at Evergreen ID Systems, as we’ve organized these products by both manufacturer and printer model.

3. ID Card Slot Punches

If the ID cards you decide to use in your ID card system need to be displayed via a lanyard or badge and you’ve picked a plastic or polyester material for the ID cards used you may needcard slot punches that are able to put a hole in the card in order to attach the card to a lanyard, badge reel, clip, etc.

Find handheld card slot punches, small tabletop card slot punches and medium sized tabletop card slot punches all at Evergreen ID Systems.

4. Validation Stickers

Validation stickers are mostly used in schools/education systems where an ID card is only valid for a certain period of time, or if the ID system requires cardholders to validate their ID cards each year (or month, or quarter, etc.). Validation stickers can be ordered to display a wide range of information but are usually printed with dates in which the card can be considered valid.

5. Signature Pads

If you are designing ID cards with signatures included in them (in order to be able to verify an individual’s signature) then you should consider investing in a signature pad. With the signature pad you are able to capture high-quality, easy-to-read signatures from all of your card holders.

6. ID Card Camera Tripods and Backdrops

Having a good photo for your ID cards is important. Beyond just choosing the right ID card camera, there are a couple of other supplies you may want to consider investing in in order to snap the most professional looking ID card photos.

One thing to consider investing in is a camera tripod so that you are able to take steady, clear pictures away from the computer (as many ID card cameras are webcams that use the computer as their tripod). Also consider getting a background that you will use for all of the ID card photos, yet another step in making your ID cards hard to duplicate.

7. Replacement Printheads for your ID Card Printer

If you own your own ID card system and ID card printer one of the extras you may have forgotten when purchasing the system is that at some point you will have to replace the printhead of that ID card printer.

Evergreen ID Systems offers a wide range of replacement printheads for all of the top ID card printer manufacturers including Fargo printheads, Evolis printheads, and Magicard Printheads.

For more information on all of the supplies you will need in order to run your own ID card system contact Evergreen ID Systems today! 800-990-0777

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