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The History of ID Cards


Researchers are estimating that a whopping 85% of the population will be using some form of smart card ID by the end 

of 2012. Smartcards are being used more and more as Government, Corporate, and Healthcare ID solutions. Most people are familiar with the most common forms of ID (ex. driver’s license), but when did people start using ID cards and why?

Here we’ve put together a brief history of ID cards and how they have been used throughout history:


The first ID cards unsurprisingly came from the Napoleonic era, but they weren’t used for security purposes. Instead these first ID cards were used to keep down wages and not allow people to try and find better, higher-paying jobs.


Eventually Napoleonic IDs were phased out as people weren’t using them to get jobs or hire people for jobs any more. Then in the 20th century as the Nazi party came to power in Germany, the Nazis used ID cards for their “people’s registration”, where all German citizens would have to register, and Jewish citizens were then targeted for genocide.


During the Mao dynasty in China, ID cards were used much like ID cards in the Napoleonic era. They prevented people from finding better jobs as well as moving to other locations. WhileChina still has similar ID cards in place, not many other developed countries require this type of ID that restricts its citizens in such ways.


How ID cards have been used, along with the technology incorporated into them has changed drastically throughout history. Today in the U.S. ID cards are used for a wide range of reasons, most of which have to do with confirming and protecting your identity - a big change from when ID cards were designed specifically to oppress and kill people.

Though the history of ID cards is a dark one, the benefits and usefulness of ID cards today shouldn’t be forgotten. ID cards and other ID card products are getting more and more technologically advanced and are becoming more necessary in a world with a population that is growing exponentially.

To learn more about the benefits of designing and issuing ID cards contactwww.EvergreenID.com today!

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